Saturday, September 26, 2009

free trip to the movies :)

this past week i got the oppurtunity to see Zombieland with a friend for free. it was a special screening for VIPs & i was one of them ;] . the movie was great; very funny as it was anticipated to be; very gory & enjoyable. While watching the movie i noticed the lighting was done very well; as well as some shots that were zoomed in. Ever since taking this class i always have these thoughts in the back of my mind now about the tricks of shooting film & how much work goes into lighting one scene. The movie is shot in color, as opposed to the movies we've been watching in class. but this movie is good to see in color because you get a reality of it; but i personally love to watch black & white film. Even though Raging Bull was shot in a time period where color was available, it is in black & white & i think it is better that way especially to portray the past. I especially love in movies when if a character is having a flashback they shoot it in black & white because like mr. lockhart said, black & white makes us think of past events. While color is for the present or future.
/BAck to Zombieland; it was a good movie if ur looking for a laugh & a good time; it wont dissapoint you. I wasnt planning on seeing the movie but the free tickets popped up so i took the opportunity. I dont regret it whatsoever because it was great!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

impressions from Tristram Shandy

during the week we watched the movie Tristram Shandy. It was supposed to be based on the book & about the life of this man. my first impression was a sense of confusion because of how the movie was set up. it would be real life in one minute then the next they would be shooting the movie & it almost seemed hard to keep up with. Im not one for movies about war/ or war scenes in it so at those points it wasnt catching my attention. but the film itself was interesting. Also watching the movie i was thinking to myself; and noticed that no matter what type of movie it is, one will always find a love story or some type of it. [for instance in this movie; it was between the two jennys in the main charcter steve's life; one who was his wife & the other his assistant] and i thought that was interesting because itmade me think of how relationship based stories really catch the veiwers attention a lot more. I figure it is because relationships are something we can all relate to..
I have seen other british shows that are similar to this movie on channel 13 or somthing; and it gave me the same feeling of almost confusion. maybe it is the accent? or maybe just how they write their storylines; but it is a bit confusing to follow to me. I have seen other movies with british actors and i understood them perfectly & fine but they were movies from the theater. It is because the other shows/movies i had seen were sort of indie films and thats why it was different. but Thats one thing i like about indie films is that it gets into your brain more & almost seems more simple. & thats the beauty of it all!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


well today we set up our blogs and i couldnt figure out a title... things are good. today could have been better though because i was glued to my bed. i did not want to wake up for nothing this morning. i cant wait until school ends. but so far this class has been good. i didnt even sign up for it they gave it to me; so i decided to see what its about & i like it. bernardos talkin to himself now. good day!