Sunday, September 20, 2009

impressions from Tristram Shandy

during the week we watched the movie Tristram Shandy. It was supposed to be based on the book & about the life of this man. my first impression was a sense of confusion because of how the movie was set up. it would be real life in one minute then the next they would be shooting the movie & it almost seemed hard to keep up with. Im not one for movies about war/ or war scenes in it so at those points it wasnt catching my attention. but the film itself was interesting. Also watching the movie i was thinking to myself; and noticed that no matter what type of movie it is, one will always find a love story or some type of it. [for instance in this movie; it was between the two jennys in the main charcter steve's life; one who was his wife & the other his assistant] and i thought that was interesting because itmade me think of how relationship based stories really catch the veiwers attention a lot more. I figure it is because relationships are something we can all relate to..
I have seen other british shows that are similar to this movie on channel 13 or somthing; and it gave me the same feeling of almost confusion. maybe it is the accent? or maybe just how they write their storylines; but it is a bit confusing to follow to me. I have seen other movies with british actors and i understood them perfectly & fine but they were movies from the theater. It is because the other shows/movies i had seen were sort of indie films and thats why it was different. but Thats one thing i like about indie films is that it gets into your brain more & almost seems more simple. & thats the beauty of it all!

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