Tuesday, April 27, 2010


these films are a few of many great mob movies. They all have many things in common with eachother. the things thaat they have in common include the characters being of Italian descent, bringing forth very strong family ties to eachother. In all of the movies even though they were not blood related, the mobsters treated eachother like family [even if they were about to kill you]. All the movies showed that when they were about to do a job and take somebody out, instead of acting with hatred towarsd them, they were even nicer and treated them like royalty [even though they were about to end their lives]. Another similarity amongst these films that i noticed was that they take place in the new york/new jersey area; i liked this affect because it makes it more realistic being the fact that most of the mafia is located around this area anyway. another similarity was that even though the guys were living in the same area and doing the same things, there were groups that didnt like eachother; each family had an opposing family rival. The Capos or the Dons of these mafias from each film didnt want their underdogs to get into selling drugs, because they knew it was bad for them and would only bring trouble and more shame on the family name. The dad in A bronx tale though, did not want his son C to have anything to do with Sonny and his gang, he tried hard to have his son not be involved, but C did it anyway. [as well as in Goodfellas, where Henry Hill's father did not want him involved, but wanted him to go to school and be successful, and even hit him for rolling with the mob crew, but Henry did it anyway]. It shows that these young people in the film [c and henry] just wanted to fit in, and they saw the opportunities that were in store for them, and stuck with it, defying their own parents].
The main stereotypes in these films is the mafia is all italians. Just looking at the films are very steryotypical; it shows them in their guinea tees, with their guns, the italian attitude that they dont give a ------- [haha], and that theyre all basically killers. Obviously this is nto true, but this is how the movies make them out to be. Food plays a big part in these films also; especially in the godfather; people who have no associations with italains may think that they only eat pasta and sauce. Family is also a big role within the three films; it shows italians keep family close before anything else. Another stereotype in these films is respect. Many people think the mobs are all about respect and other things; in other cases it may not be like that.
The Goodfellas is a true story based on the life of Henry Hill. The events in the movie truly did happen, and the movie is narrated by his voice [ not henry hills real voice, but its supposed to be] either way it still tells his story of wanting to be a gangster ever since he could remember. Its a treat to see this film and how its based on a true story to see how the mafiosos really did their work and ran their "business". It gives us a little piece of history as well as a mind catching story. im sure its loosely based on the true story; giving us the main info we need to know about these people; i also read that there is a book written by henry hill and it seems that it is more interesting then the movie; but thats all cases the book is better then the film. either way it goes to show us that stuff like this really goes down, and we dont even know about it because it is all kept secrets; these movies enable us to experience what it is like to be an american gangster.


  1. Courtney,
    Nice Job!! The food in Italian families is very important - lol - glad you liked the movies.


  2. oh i know thats why its my favorite kinda food!! haha thank you very much :)
